Michael Mitchell, ELC Chair September
September 2021 Meet Michael Mitchell Emerging Leaders Committee Chair Michael is the CEO of Mitchel Risk Management. He holds the CIC and CRM designations. Michael is a great example of a person who worked at an independent insurance agency and then decided to start his own agency. He is someone who can speak from experience regarding starting an agency on a shoe string budget. He had the opportunity to be involved with the Emerging Leaders formally known as the Young Agents and while doing so he developed numerous relationships with his peers and company partners. These relationships enabled him to obtain appointments and have access to others in the industry who could support him and guide him where he needed. Michael has served the association for many years and has now been elected as the 2021-2022 Emerging Leaders Committee Chair. To find out how you or someone at your agency can get involved with the Emerging Leaders Community contactMichael@mrmnv.com or membershipservices@niia.org.